This is the Message Centre for Researcher 38090
Using some of your entries.
CAC Continuum Started conversation Mar 6, 2004
Hi there, just dropping by in the off chance of your returning here. I found your page on an h2g2 search and liked the entries you'd written. So I put submitted three of them to the Alternative Writing Workshop with the idea of using them in an issue of the CAC Continuum in the . Which I've now put together using Frankenstein Foods, Obsession, Right Stuff and Women's Rights.
If you want to know more, the CAC Continuum archives are at A2198045 and its headquarters are at U187783.
Thanks for your pieces and I hope you don't mind them being used in this way.
Using some of your entries.
LL Waz Posted Mar 23, 2004
Hi, dropping by again to say your pieces were in this week's . The page can be seen here A2429426.
Thanks again for the use of them. Waz
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Using some of your entries.
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."