Journal Entries


 The circle of life is now complete, I am the proud father of Summer!
She was born July 30th, 1999 - at 8pds & 13ounces..! smiley - smiley I even have a
personal page with pics:


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Latest reply: Aug 13, 1999

Star Wars Opinions...

  So the madness begins, the multitiude babbling their individual
interpretations of what they have seen/heard in the Phantom Menace. One
must remember that this is only PART of the story, to judge it's
overall depth is premature and futile. Certainly Goerge Lucas has
carefully weighed the motions of the characters long before any of us
knew the movie was in production! The middle trilogy could stand
alone, why not the first trilogy as well? While we all know the new
movie is part of our beloved culture, we must remember that NO ONE
has seen the full epic, and thus NO ONE can judge it's passages
apart from the whole and seem even remotely credible...
I say let the movies play out, then watch them all in sequence,
and decide whether Mr. Lucas is a good storyteller, or not...

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Latest reply: May 27, 1999

First Day...

  So here I am, typing my first HG entry! It's kind of strange
though, since I saw Hitchhiker's in England when it first came
on the TV, to now be bobbing about on a site devoted to it...

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Latest reply: May 11, 1999

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Researcher 38045

Researcher U38045

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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