This is the Message Centre for Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 1


smiley - space

ohhh sooooo nice!! smiley - biggrin

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 2


smiley - space
oh wait smiley - erm thats on the ace g'day thing... put it on the end of your name!! its wonderful!! smiley - biggrin

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Do you mean smiley - peacedove ?

That's a smiley and wouldn't work as part of my name - smileys don't work as part of names.

What's wavygravy? Is it good? smiley - laugh

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 4


smiley - space

Feisor - ACE - ¤•º°°º•¤©øØlñ˧§¸¤•º°°º•¤ ...

wavygravy was from the early hippie days... he was a guy who was a part of the diggers.... maybe started it.... they were a hippie group who got the toss away groceries and made them into food and did soup kitchens for the spaced out hippies of san francisco hehe when we were all encouraged to come to san francisco and be sure to wear some flowers in our hair..... smiley - biggrin

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 5

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

smiley - cool sounds like the first freegan smiley - ok

¤•º°°º•¤©øØlñ˧§¸¤•º°°º•¤ is not my name it's the name of a new researcher.

I'm not sure how to pronounce it smiley - laugh

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 6


smiley - space
oh i thought you wrote that to katie or someone like that.... oh well

so heres Wavy Gravy's bio

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 7

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Thank you for that.

I think the world needs more Wavy Gravys smiley - biggrin

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 8


smiley - space
so once you're registered you can change your handle any way you want and its called a nickname? is that in the log in window or elsewhere you do that? smiley - erm

smiley - cakesmiley - strawberriessmiley - redwine for your trouble smiley - smiley

oooo your name is so wavygravy

Post 9

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

You can change your onscreen name by going to "My Preferences"

Just remember that this only changes your onscreeen name - your signon remains the same smiley - ok

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