Journal Entries

British Telecom again

...really I don't know why I mentioned it.
I am going to give up on them.
They are just not worth the money if you are an individual customer.
The rental costs more than the amount of money/time I spend on the telephone.

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Latest reply: Aug 22, 2007

Guess what?

I am in a bad mood today.
No, I don't want to go to church.
Going to church is not the 'be all' even if it might be the 'end all'.

Do I want to get cremated?
Yes please but don't do it before I'm dead.

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2007

h2g2 is really its own worst enemy

I won't be saying any more about the subject of hootoo being its own worst enemy because we all know why it is.

There isn't any point in me writing anything about birds, because it is all here.

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Latest reply: Jul 5, 2007

It is nearly a week now since I rang British Telecom

about my bill.
Someone was supposed to be calling me back but they haven't done so yet and I can't spend all my time ringing and hanging on the phone whilst I have other things to do.

Another thing, all these 'special offers' they have.
They are really confusing.

When is a special offer a special offer not a special offer.
It is never a special offer to the customers who have stuck with them through thick and thin, it seems to me smiley - grr

I have been a BT customer for more that 30 years now, but does it make any difference. Not a jot. Money, money, money
Money, money, moneyMoney, money, moneyMoney, money, moneyMoney, money, moneyMoney, money, moneymore money blah blah blah
ring ring ring

Why is my line engaged?
I'm not using the phone...
ring ring ring ring ring ring
blah blah blah blah
smiley - crosssmiley - crosssmiley - cross
smiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steam

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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2007

Does your landlord bully you?

Mine does.
He is like a dripping tap.
In fact there is a dripping tap in the kitchen.
There is also mould growing in the bathroom.
Has he done anything about it?
No, he hasn't.

He keeps wittering on about the fact that I don't have a job yet.
If he hadn't kept wittering on so much my self-esteem would be much, MUCH higher than it is now and then I probably would have got a job.

Is mould good for one's mental health and one's 'health' health?
I wonder.

smiley - sorry

He can't help being an Aquarian.
I should have known better.
Apologies for being angry in my journal, there is a shortage of counsellors here at the moment.

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2007

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