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Post 1


i wish i had more time to spend here; to reply to all your comments; to see who is wrong and who knows what they're talking about; to learn a little bit more about this earth i unfortunately have to call my home. but i can't, have to socialize with friends (party), work, eat, and get some sleep in there some how too. the sleep thing doesn't seem to be working out for me too well at the moment, these 12 hour shifts are going to be the end of me i tell you. at least i have money now. this is a good thing, i think. i'm not too sure about that though, after all "money corrupts". but i'm pretty sure that means lots of money - which i don't have. anyways , i've been up for a for almost 60 hours now - that socializing might end up being the end of me. either way, i think i'll go pass out now, bye.

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