This is the Message Centre for Pink

Pink Floyd

Post 1


Hey Pink !! Well Ive been nicknamed Floydy , well for the bvious reasons ! "The" Floyd are just the greatest ever ! - even The Final Cut is good ! I like pie too, apple pie mainly (no Im not American) and like you I rather like the ale ! Keep up the good work ! Floydy

Pink Floyd

Post 2


Thanks. I think that my favorite pie is apple also.

I was just wondering, do you happen to know how to get line spaces into writings in 'User pages'?
I don't know if you've seen mine, but it doesn't look very good - I couldn't find any way to get spaces between lines. smiley - sadface

Hey Pink !! Well Ive been nicknamed Floydy , well for the bvious
reasons ! "The" Floyd are just the greatest ever ! - even The
Final Cut is good ! I like pie too, apple pie mainly (no Im not
American) and like you I rather like the ale ! Keep up the good
work ! Floydy

Pink Floyd

Post 3


whops. sorry. I didn't mean to put your msg back up. smiley - smiley

Pink Floyd

Post 4


Hello again, sorry but I do not know how to help you regarding your user pages query ! I find H2G2 a bit tough to find my way around right now !!

Ho hum never mind.

Sorry its taken a while for me to respond but I was not online at all over the weekend !

Pink Floyd

Post 5


Yeah, h2g2 is a bit rough to get around in.

Don't worry about taking your time to reply, take as long as you want. I don't always have a lot of time to spend here either.

Pink Floyd

Post 6

Ford Edsel

Pink and Floydy

Wot a team!

Pink Floyd

Post 7


Thank you Ford. I think we will make a good team, but i think that all of us hitchhickers here should be on the same team. =)

Pink Floyd

Post 8


I'm on your team!! Did you see the Symphonic Pink Floyd performances Jaz Coleman composed? I saw them here in NZ, stoned as f**k, and I was breathtaken for days afterwards. . .

I have the album too. It is very good.

Pink Floyd

Post 9


Yeah ! The symphonic Floyd album is somewhat excellent !!

In fact its f'ing outrageous !!

Pink Floyd

Post 10


I haven't heard the album yet, I'll have to go out and buy it soon. I can actually afford to now - I finally got a job. =)

Pink Floyd

Post 11


Congrats. Hopefully it won't be too mind-numbing for you. What are you doing?

Pink Floyd

Post 12


Work !!!! well done for getting a job but dont talk to me about work !! I havent been at work since Jan 14th when I left to go skiing. Guess what ? I severely fractured/fragmented/splintered my upper femur and have been off work ever since. Still on crutches, never been in plaster though and somewhat fed up !! Oh well such is life tum-te-tum. At least it gives me the excuse of sunbathing all day though !

Pink Floyd

Post 13


At least you have h2g2 to provide interesting food for thought during your recuperation.

Pink Floyd

Post 14


Definatley !! it is keeping me sane !

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