This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

Just a Q

Post 1


What is meant by a "sandwhich year" ?


Just a Q

Post 2

Man of Legend

I have to laugh because for a minute I thought somebody else was having a go at my spelling. You have no idea how many people have corrected my spelling. Anyhuw after determining that your question was not a sly dig at my spelling, a sandwich year is when you take a year out between your 2nd and 3rd years at university to do a job (sometimes called a placement) that is relevant to your degree/future job. For example, i'm doing an Electrical/Electronic engineering degree and so I am working for IBM for a year in a job that entails looking after PC's and Servers. Something that would not be considered a sandwich year is taking a year out to travel the world (unless you were doing some form of travel degree, I suppose), this is called a gap year. As I don't know anything about you I would say if your going to university then it's well worth it cos you get a good break from studying, it gives you "real-life" experiences and when you come to get a job at the end of your degree you will either be employed by the company that took you on for your sandwich year or you will have a years more experience than most other candidates for a graduate job. you also get payed and get to go out drinking and know you shouldn't be doing any other work.


Just a Q

Post 3


Thank you for answering my question! I was most certainly not kidding you about your spelling. I've never heard the term before and thought I would get an explanation. You've now expanded my vocabulary and made me a more worldly woman!


Just a Q

Post 4


Thank you for answering my question! I was most certainly not kidding you about your spelling. I've never heard the term before and thought I would get an explanation. You've now expanded my vocabulary and made me a more worldly woman!


Just a Q

Post 5


Thank you for answering my question! I was most certainly not kidding you about your spelling. I've never heard the term before and thought I would get an explanation. You've now expanded my vocabulary and made me a more worldly woman!


Just a Q

Post 6

Man of Legend

No problemo smiley - winkeye

it makes me happy to think i've increased somebody's quality of life.
smiley - biggrin

Just a Q

Post 7


Oh yes you have! I've been walking around using that phrase in all my conversations smiley - smiley


p.s sorry for the multi posting.. oops!

Just a Q

Post 8

Man of Legend

wow a life with quality i wish i had one <*wry smile*>.

i hate that about this site. the whole thing needs putting on bigger and faster servers so everything is a little more instant.

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