This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 1


Hi there... ~grin~... what legend are you a man of??? Just wondering...

Me is also on line for free at the moment... me is using BT Internet... well... it's not bad... could be better... lots of ISP's jumping on the FREE bandwagon at the moment... can't wait until there's more choice...

Ooppss... sorry me rambling on now... why not pop by my Inn and say hello to some of the regulars... we would all like to meet you...

It's here if you want to come along...

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 2

Man of Legend

hello my circumstance has changed i am no longer in halls so i am now paying as well.
i am also 20 now after about 4 birthdays (long story)
i'll check you out soon
i am preparing my answer to the legend thing but let me tell you it will be wholly convincing
c ya

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 3

Man of Legend

hello my circumstance has changed i am no longer in halls so i am now paying as well.
i am also 20 now after about 4 birthdays (long story)
i'll check you out soon
i am preparing my answer to the legend thing but let me tell you it will be wholly convincing
c ya

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 4


~grin~... still waiting for the answer... to the question...

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 5

Man of Legend

hello sorry about the time away but i have just gone through a particulary tring time of exams, so i have not existed on so many levels, but i am back now. to discover the legend part my advice is to look at the jounal entry that i have just posted.

c ya


Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 6

Man of Legend

i have discovered what i am a legend of. . .

"electronics" it's my artical and it's become a recommended guide entry.

highly pleased am i.

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 7


Well done... ~grin~... tis nice when a written article of your own is included in the guide...


Post 8

Man of Legend

thanks for your support


Post 9


No thanks needed... me enjoyed the article.. ans await another from you... ~grin~

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 10

Jimi X

I hate to say this when you're so proud of your entry's status. A recommended entry is simply one that you hit the 'submit' button for so many months ago.

Is the material in it factual? I recall you saying that you wrote it as a rough draft while drunk....

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 11

Man of Legend

oh, nevermind. it was good while it lasted, poor deluded fool that i am. any huw the material is very factual (apart from the first bit), it's the sort of stuff you would find in a text book and remember i do have a HND in electrical/electronic engineering, so if it's wrong I should receive a good shoeing. as for the part about me being drunk, well I was when wrote the first one, which was dire because i tried to be funny while drunk (cold hard light of day and all that). The revision you see now though was written while i was at work and stone cold sober. use it in an assignment or whatever and see what marks you get. i'm still deciding what to do my next entry on, if you have any suggestions then just post them.

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 12

Jimi X

No, no! It was fine. It's just when I see that someone wrote a Guide entry while drunk and is planning to do an update, it makes me a bit nervous when I'm assigned to Subedit it.

BTW: No that your entry has 'pending' status, it's nearly ready to go into the Edited Guide. It just needs to wait in the queue for the front page. smiley - smiley

Greetings Man Of Legend

Post 13

Man of Legend

i've posted another comment for you on a different thred. see if you can find it. hehe

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