This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

OH, hello

Post 1

Old Hairy

Looks like we share an interest in electronics. Pleased to meet you.

OH, hello

Post 2

Man of Legend

Hey man

Yeah, interest and now a job, yes somebodies employed me, sorry i'm just estactic, i'll post proper when i can think straight.


OH, hello

Post 3

Old Hairy

Hello MOL

I look forward to your posting when you've landed. Found any h2g2 friends that share our interests? I found you via A455285, and I'll look up Jimi X. I just put A1281098 up for peer review, would love the hear your comments on that.


OH, hello

Post 4

Man of Legend


been a bit of a rollercoaster since i was last here. I did read your article, but i have forgotton it, due to all the other stuff that is currently being pushed into my head. I will re-read it shortly, and may comment, although my past history on this is a little shakey, although I doubt I would repeat my past mistakes, esp to someone as friendly as you.

Anyway dude, will speak soon


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