This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

Man of Legend

Post 1

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hello, yet again. smiley - peacedove

Man of Legend

Post 2

Man of Legend


if i know you, you will have to refresh my memory cos i don't have a clue who you are. but, in any case it's good to hear from you.


Man of Legend

Post 3

Man of Legend


D'oh, just seen your page, of course i know who you are (your new name threw me), long time no write.


Man of Legend

Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

#Gah, and when I get round to replying, I'm at school, and the lesson bell for third lesson (maths) rings smiley - sadface

I'll post something later. smiley - winkeye

Nice to see you around here still.

smiley - peacedove

Man of Legend

Post 5

Man of Legend


The school bell, I actually quite miss the school bell, especially on a friday at 3.05pm, which is the time i used to finish for the weekend. I quite wish i was back at school sometimes. They say that your school days are the best of your life, which is rubbish. What is actually meant is school days are good because they are, without doubt, better thatn what you are doing at the current point in your life.

As for maths, have you met Mr Pythagorus (how did i get a B in English with spelling like that) and his wonderful theorum for right-angled triangles. You may think that it has little use but electronic engineering would not be where it is today without that simple little equation.

enough rambling


Man of Legend

Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

School for me is good and bad. I love seeing my friends, and I love learning, and I like having a routine, but I hate my class. They changed my class a few months back and I have one friend in it. smiley - sadface

Yes I met Pythagorus's theory about 4 years ago. smiley - winkeye Today we started... Uhh... Algebra, AGAIN... this must be the tenth time we've done this. oh well, at least it's easy.

What was your favourite subject then? I think mine is German, coz I'm good at it. I'm taking it a year early (and French). Today our teacher made us translate a passage, and, after correcting them, said that if we made less than 5 mistakes, we should be in y12 (two years up).
I got 2. smiley - winkeye

It's my birthday party tomorrow! smiley - biggrin about 14 people coming, most of whom are staying the night. There is booze and music and general craziness. Wanna come? smiley - winkeye
You see, I'm 15 next Tuesday. smiley - bigeyes
In fact I am supposed to be hoovering my room. In fact, I am. I cleaned it and everything. I must be the only teenager who tidies her room of her own will...

sorry, i'm in a strangely good mood because I'm listening to music which makes me grin. (Le Tigre - Deceptacon. Who put the bomp in the bompalompalomp? Who took the ram from the ramalamadingdong?)

Man of Legend

Post 7

Man of Legend


I sometimes forget i'm talking to a 14 (nearly 15) year-old, i mean you can spell Pythagorus and everything.

I've forgotten algebra, almost, i still use algebra quite a lot but i never know i'm using it.

being an engineer (well almost) it sort of follows that i quite liked technology and science (physics mainly, I could never get my head round biology and chemistry, especially the reproduction stuff heh heh). i also realy enjoyed english and english lit. when i've finished uni and got a job and stuff i want to do some courses in creative english and start writing poetry again. its good to find something your good at, its applying it that can sometimes be a drag.

i hope you have a good birthday and party. I was too wrapped up in uni to proparly celebrate mine this year, and last year it was ruined by my sisters boyfriend (he can be a bit of an A******e). i might go crazy this year, who knows. Seriously have a great time and DON'T GET TOO DRUNK YOUNG LADY.

clean room, clean mind. although my rooms not too bad and i deren't say what runs through my mind .

i'm in to music that makes me go WOOOOOO!!!!! at the moment, such as that dandy whorhols track and terrorvision, but i also love the dirty riffs of tool and sabbath.

right i'm off to bed to sleep and sober up, it being two in the morning and everything.

have a good bday and party and stuff.



Man of Legend

Post 8

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

People online often mistake me for a lot older than I am. Someone thought I was 18 when I was 12. smiley - winkeye Even my half-sister (36?) thinks I'm amazingly mature for my age. smiley - biggrin I go to a grammar school, maybe that's got something to do with it. *shrugs* smiley - winkeye

Aha! How do you know you're using it, if you don't know when you're using it? smiley - winkeye

Ah, I'm more of an artist than a scientist. That is to say, drama and RE are preferable over physics and technology. Sorry smiley - tongueout They just... I can't really ever get the grip of any of it, even if my Phys teacher thinks I have "a deep understanding of the concepts". smiley - laugh
You wrote poetry? I'll have to read some of that smiley - nahnah I used to when I was really little. There are some really cute poems somewhere about bears being able to scare with just a stare. smiley - winkeye

When's your birthday?
Thanks for that advice. I won't get *too* drunk but I will get fairly inebriated. smiley - winkeye I am an alcoholic in training... My family are very supportive and help me get drunk smiley - winkeye

Currently I'm listening to This Ascension. It's really nice. smiley - smiley but I love Tool too, especially AEnema (album). My current favourite band is the Smashing Pumpkins. It'll be NIN again when I get round to listening to my new album. I've got a frighteningly large music collection for a 14-year old.
15-year old I mean.

Anyway, take care, I hope you don't have a hangover :p

Speak soon


Man of Legend

Post 9

Man of Legend


my laxness (is that a word, ah well) in replying has nothing to do with a four day hang-over, but my pc. I had to format it cos it was being very annoying, to put it mildly.

Did you have a good birthday and Party, and did you feel like moving on sunday morning, i bet you didn't!

My birthday is 22 of December, yup that's right 3 days before christmas, at least i get the time off.

i deren't write any poetry at the moment, incase my lower intestine throttles my brain!

Have you heard the new tool album yet, on one of the songs it's got a riff so dirty that you feel like you've been dragged through cesspit, backwards, by you're little toes. It's very good. If you want to download anything give us a shout and i'll give yopu access to my new FTP site thingy.

right back to the Grind



Man of Legend

Post 10

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Laxicity perhaps?
*nods* yeah, yeah, I'm sure that's the reason smiley - tongueout You got *really* drunk, didn't you? smiley - nahnah
hehe, sorry. smiley - hugsmiley - smiley

My birthday party was great. no I didn't feel like moving on sudnay morning but that wasn't coz I was drunk, it's coz Njan was next to me. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - loveblush

My birthday is 42 days after Christmas. smiley - ok

No I haven't heard the new Tool album. I've got Aenema and Undertow on mp3, and one other track (Schism). What song is that? Sounds damn good. smiley - ok
Hey, what's your favourite song of all time? The one song that you will never be bored of, that will always send shivers down your spine. I have a load of fave songs ( <-- hasn't been updated in a while, site currently being rewritten so please excuse it) but the one that I will always love is The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails.

Urgh, bad day. I was really ill and lost control and went mad. It was horrible, I've never felt worse in my life; but I'm better now, thank God.


Man of Legend

Post 11

Man of Legend


whenever i have to format a pc i wish i was drunk, it would make it a lot easier, and seem quicker. Mind you at least it wasn't my 60GB monster, just my 30GB hellhound. Ahh storage.

Schism is track 5 from the new(-ish) Lateralus album, and starts the greatest three track run on any album ever. schism, parabol, and parabola. its clear from those three songs why it was voted kerrang album of the year. it was run a very close second by system of a down's toxicity, an album that, for months, stayed on my car stereo. As for a favorite song, hmmmn, one of my hidden traits is ficklty (editor, get the dictionary), and it changes very often.

i'm cirtainly no stranger to going mad while ill/hungover/tired, but probably not to the exetent you have.

anyhoo, enough babbling.


Man of Legend

Post 12

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

smiley - laugh I haven't ever had to format my hd. 60 and 30? Woah! Ours are 2 and 19. smiley - winkeye

Interesting. *affixes to download list* I might actually buy that album. Sounds great.
I might buy Toxicity too. I have the self-titled SOAD album, I adore it.
*grins* I have a load of songs I love for months at a time, but TPD has been my one favourite for ages and ages. smiley - smiley

Going mad is horrible. smiley - sadface Especially the fidgetting. Eugh. *shudders*

How are you anyway?

- Lisa

Man of Legend

Post 13

Man of Legend


i have quite obsesion with data storage and back-up, i don't know why, i'm quite strange like that.

yeah the first SOAD album is fantastic, i'm going to see them on the 1st of april in Nottingham, tis going to be wicked. i'm not going to be able to stand after that one.

being a championer (again a dodgy word) of rock/metal British bands one of my favorite songs of the moment is 'back' by Lights. The blokes vocals are very gravelly, and the words aren't entirely clear, but the music is absolutely beautiful. if you want to hear it i could send you a user account for my ftp business.

as for my general health, it's ok, but uni is driving me slowly mad, thankfully it'll all be over in June.

i sometimes go a bit nuts when i've had a couple to drink. my mind just buzzes with the most insane rubbish, i think about it in the morning and have a good chuckle.

right i'm off to talk to strangers.


Man of Legend

Post 14

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hey smiley - smiley

Odd. Well, there's always gonna be one isn't there? smiley - biggrin

Why do you never use smileys? smiley - magic

The singer of SOAD (i forgot his name) has a great voice! I love all the tracks on the first album but Spiders is quite magnificent. Then, so is Sugar, and Soil, and Suite-Pee, and Ddevil, and Suggestions... Mnah. smiley - winkeye

I'll look for it on audiogalaxy - when I can actually get on the site - but if I have no luck then I'll take you up on that.

eurgh, so you'll make the transition of being a trainee engineer to a real engineer. Doesn't that just mean more work? smiley - erm
I have soooooo much work to do this half-term. Well, it's a lot for me. It's the most I've ever had to do in this amount of time. I have to do the first part of my RS coursework on discipleship, a plan of my french coursework, and a piece of english coursework. I haven't started any of them. smiley - yikessmiley - sadface

I dunno. Being drunk doesn't really appeal to me. I don't know why I do it a lot, because I actually hate the feeling of not-being-here. I get that bad enough on a day-to-day basis, thanks.. smiley - erm the only thing I feel capable of doing when I'm drunk is dirty stuff that I don't want to do anyway.

I'm off to watch TV. smiley - winkeye

- Lisa

Man of Legend

Post 15

Man of Legend


sorry about the delay on my reply, but i got struck down by a serius case of lazy-*******-itus.

Wow a half-term, I can't even begin to imagine what there like, i haven't had one since college, which was back in 'Nam, err, i mean '98. hehe .

I don't use smiley's cos 1. i don't know enough of them, and 2. i'm too lazy to look on the page and remember them. If I can't use something correctly then i try not to use it, unless it has electronics in it, then i force myself to learn it.

The thing about being in education is that you have to concentrate on between 5 and 10 different subjects, whereas when you work you generally only have to focus on one thing, maybe two if you're unluckly.

i didn't used to like that feeling of not really being there, but then this year i'm living in a daze anyway, i don't think i'll remember anything about this year when i've finished, which i can't think is a bad thing.

right i'm gonna do something that involves sleep.


Man of Legend

Post 16

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


I'm sorry about my delay. I've had a pretty tough week and haven't been on h2g2 much. How unlike me! smiley - yikes
Gah. I speet at your excuse. But don't tell the powers, spitting is still forbidden...

Halfterm ahh, I want another one. Two weeks into the second half of term and I want another break. Well, no, that's just my lazy-b*****d-itus kicking in, I can cope until the end of term as it's not that far away.

I've given up meat for Lent! I've never done this before. My boyfriend/Njan/U47349 is pleased because he is a veggie, but it's absolutely killing me to have to go without burgers and stuff. Argghhh!!!!!!

you don't really need to look at the page to learn to do smileys.. all you have to do is mouse-over the smileys someone else inserts into a message, and the mouse-over thingy whatsit, (eg. "fish" for smiley - fish) is what you have to stick between the wakas. Comprende? smiley - biggrin

With regard to how much you have to concentrate on; I prefer to have a lot of things to stretch my mind over than just one thing, because I know I sure as hell would get bored out of my mind after a while...

I'm dreading going to work. smiley - winkeye

I've been in a daze more this week than ever, or at least, more than I have in a long time.
(I went mad for a while, and I don't say that in a joking manner. I did so many things I really should not have done. My emotional state for about seven months was really one to be reckoned with smiley - sadface)

Anyway. smiley - winkeye Enough of that. I haven't posted on h2g2 in a week so I'm posting really long messages to make up for it. smiley - winkeye

Ahem. smiley - winkeye

Yeah I should do something that involves sleep too, as it's quarter past eleven on a school night. But am I going to? actually yes...

- Lisa

Man of Legend

Post 17

Man of Legend


tough week, eh, i seem to be having a couple of them at the moment, i'm going home this weekend though so at least i'll get so rest and time off. my pc went belly up again last night, so it's had to be re-built (software-wise) twice in as many months now.

NO MEAT, NO MEAT, what, how will you survive, if there is one thing i would never do it is become veggie, i love pig too much, Bacon, sausages, roast pork, hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnn, pork products, ggggggrrrrrrrllllllllhhhhhhhhhh.

IF you go to Uni, and i should imagine you would, when you finally go to work you will not be dreading it anymore.

speaking of madness i think i'll be speaking hexadecimal by the time i leave. i have a mate who gradded last year and is now working for BAE systems, he works on radar systems. to do this he uses a programming language called VHDL, the upshot of which is that he's done so much of it he now thinks of everything in terms of VHDL, This, by his own admission, is not good.

'life, don't talk to me about life'

right i'm off home smiley - biggrin


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