This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend


Post 1

Man of Legend


after writing my previous entry, like 5 mins ago I have seen the removal of those lyrics, although i can understand this, I would still like people to read them.

Go to and see them, it's worth it.

I hope this URL is not removed. I am not trying to push my luck. I am just trying to express myself. However, it seems that the paymasters seem to have a little trouble with this.

Sometimes I wish the internet was regulated, at least my right to freedom of speech would stand. although i realise copyrighted material could land the paymasters in hot water legally, I just find the decision to ban external URL's as officious and calous. Is the Beeb run by Vogons?

right enough, check out those lyrics, please put the rest of my journal entries back, and good night.


P.S. this would have never happened before the bbc took over, the only bad decision made by DNA in his great career was to sell out to the bbc.


Post 2

Bald Bloke


The ban on external URL's has been lifted (for now)


Post 3

Man of Legend

Good, i hope it sticks, its about time.

this whole site needs to go back to the old ways, leave the BBC and let us have our freedom back.

Just one reason why i have classic goo, although it's not like you'd know if you were just visiting.



Post 4

Bald Bloke

As far as I'm concerned there is only one colour for h2g2 and that is goo smiley - smiley


Post 5

Man of Legend

D**n Straight

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