This is the Message Centre for <somat_witty>

Post Survey

Post 1


I am conducting a survey for the H2G2 Post, and I was wondering if you would care to participate. All you have to do is send me an e-mail in reply to this message... with, PostSurvey ,as the subject title. Please write your Researcher Number and H2G2 Name, in the main body of the e-mail, as a means on identifying you. I will then send you the survey via e-mail, it is not long and it will only take a few minutes of your time to complete.

Your e-mail address will not be given out to any other bodies, it is for my personal use only, to get in touch with you regarding the survey.

If you do not wish to participate in this, please drop me a line below this message, as I have a certain number of researchers to reach. Thankyou for your time.

E-mail me at [email protected] . Please reply if you wish to participate before 1st June 2000. I look forward to hearing from you.

Once again, thankyou for reading this message,

Respects, Greebo T. Cat

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Post Survey

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