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Fenchurch M. Mercury Started conversation Jul 6, 1999
I was just reading your description and thinking "Well, isn't that about all of us?"
'cept I'm not a techie theatre person, I'm an actor theatre person.
Anyway, I just came to visit the page, I like your fishies
MadMunk?¿ Posted Jul 6, 1999
Okay, since you both know how, what's the code to put the break lines in? Cool fish BTW!
Fenchurch M. Mercury Posted Jul 6, 1999
it's this tiny little thing: (for horizontal rule). At least, I think that's what you were talking about
JediSlider Posted Jul 6, 1999
Yup, we all seem to have common, crazy threads.... yer an actor? Eek! *hides* J/K.
Hey.... MadMunk, how do you do buttons, like the one you have going to the index?
kat Posted Jul 6, 1999
hey Fenchurch, just wondering if you compete in forensics, which is competetive acting. or, if they even have that where you live. it kinda goes along with debate. Any ways i guess i will say hello to Jedislider while i am here. hello.
JediSlider Posted Jul 6, 1999
Hiya Kat. Hey do y'all do forensics and debate? (One of my hidden loves). I'm involved in forensics/debate classes over the summer. Hehehe, it's all quite fun. What kinda events do you do?
kat Posted Jul 6, 1999
Whoh i found a fellow debater/forensic!!! I love Lincoln/Douglas debate, and in forensics solo interp. and poetry interp. are my favorite catagories. Poetry is the only thing i have trophied in though, but next year is going to be exciting for me. What are your favorite catagories???
MadMunk?¿ Posted Jul 6, 1999
To get the index button, copy and paste this into your edit box:
There, that should work. If not let me know.
Fenchurch M. Mercury Posted Jul 6, 1999
I've been trying to get some people together at my school to do that...but surrently there are no cutting-edge developments
In Junior High I won a classical monolouge competition, though... I don't think that counts, does it?
JediSlider Posted Jul 6, 1999
I haven't tried Lincoln/Douglas, though my friend loves it. I like sticking with Congress (I'm learning how to PO), it's something I'm okay at. I like interp, but I have had bad experiences with interp teachers, so now I do expository (I'm working on one on dragons right now). I haven't really competed yet, since my school doesn't have it. But I might go to competitions with one of hte other local schools, since I love the stuff I've done with it for the past year. Poetry.... I love that event. I can't do it, but it's great to watch. Interp is sooo much fun to watch!!! I've seen some really twisted OPPs. Does your school have a debate/forensics team?
MadMunk?¿ Posted Jul 6, 1999
No Problem. What are friends for? (other than telling you your a mean, green fish with a razor blade up your butt...)
Fenchurch M. Mercury Posted Jul 7, 1999
Aww, that was very sweet. Brought a tear to my eye, really. :*-) <--(tear in eye)
kat Posted Jul 7, 1999
I love Congress, but people sure do come up with some stupid bills . Our school does have a team, but is very small considering my school has about 1400 students and there are only 15 on the team. Other schools have 30 to 50. The principal at our school gived us no support, and the sports get all the money, so we have to do all these fundraisers. sorry if i sound bitter, but it is all worth it to go to the tournaments. pretty soon i will be setting up some user pages of some of my favorite poems to do in comp. oh and fenchurch, the monologue sounds like it should count
kat Posted Jul 8, 1999
thanks madmunk, you and fenchurch are always helping me with the HTML. What can i do to say thanks?
JediSlider Posted Jul 8, 1999
*grin* I understand. Sports get too much money. At my school 75% of the students are involved with a sport, so they get plenty o' cash. As long as the arts stay decently funded I try and distract myself. I have a lot of friends who have teams in similar situations. You'd think debate, the sport of intellectuals, would be funded. I really hope I get to go to some tournements this year (last school year I was too busy to try and hook up with a team), since I've heard a lot of fun stories. Woohoo, can't wait to see the poems you suggest, I have no idea how you find a good poem for that. Hehehehe, part of the fun of Congress is stupid bills. Or weird ones. One of my friends debated a bill that disbands the Senate, and it passed. LOL. I like spontaneous arguementation, when they let us go for the all out weird topics. The teacher in my summer debate class sometimes brings in articles from the Weekly World News (Bigfoot: Satan Spawn or Gentle Woodland Creature?).
I'm a bit curious about Lincoln-Douglas, I don't know a whole lot about it. What kind of topics do you have? How long does it take to get the research?
kat Posted Jul 8, 1999
There was a bill we debated that was really funny, it was called the stupid people's bill and it was suppose to make all stupid people wear signs so they would be easy to identify.L-D debate is really fun because it is alot more about how well you can argue and think of good questions then your plan and evidence, which is what policy is based on. I don't know what the topic for this fall is yet, but researching isn't that hard usually. Some of the topics include capital punishment, the right of teenagers, ect...i loove poetry, doing and listening to other people do it.
i probably won't get that page up for a couple more days though, but i will tell you when i do.
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- 1: Fenchurch M. Mercury (Jul 6, 1999)
- 2: MadMunk?¿ (Jul 6, 1999)
- 3: Fenchurch M. Mercury (Jul 6, 1999)
- 4: MadMunk?¿ (Jul 6, 1999)
- 5: JediSlider (Jul 6, 1999)
- 6: kat (Jul 6, 1999)
- 7: JediSlider (Jul 6, 1999)
- 8: kat (Jul 6, 1999)
- 9: MadMunk?¿ (Jul 6, 1999)
- 10: Fenchurch M. Mercury (Jul 6, 1999)
- 11: JediSlider (Jul 6, 1999)
- 12: JediSlider (Jul 6, 1999)
- 13: MadMunk?¿ (Jul 6, 1999)
- 14: Fenchurch M. Mercury (Jul 7, 1999)
- 15: kat (Jul 7, 1999)
- 16: kat (Jul 8, 1999)
- 17: MadMunk?¿ (Jul 8, 1999)
- 18: Fenchurch M. Mercury (Jul 8, 1999)
- 19: JediSlider (Jul 8, 1999)
- 20: kat (Jul 8, 1999)
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