This is the Message Centre for Spirit of Olias (occasional spectre)


Post 1

Pippa, The Garlic Munching Doughnut

Hey Dave,
You were kind enough to check out my page so I thought I'd check out yours.
Brizel, eh? I know a few blokes who live in Weston-Super-Mare (is that how you spell it? I never pay much attention smiley - smiley ), near Bristol. They're great blokes, but they drink a lot too, perhaps it's something that has evolved there, or maybe in the air (I didn't say water, cos you probably think that's a dirty word smiley - winkeye but someone famous, I forget who, once said, upon being offered a drink of water, "I never drink water, my dear: Fish F*%k in it!" Hahahahahahaha smiley - smiley )
Um, anyway, blahblahblah, god, the words 'talk the hind leg off a donkey' spring to mind'm gonna bugger off now......

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