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21st Centary h2g2
Posted Sep 25, 2012
Just thought
There may be many who perhaps know me and are ing and do not wish to post on site for what ever reason. Even if you do not know me, get in touch, I promise I am not part of the h2g2 committee and would genuinely like to hear your views.
If you could email me. It would be much appreciated even if it's only to say Hi.
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Latest reply: Sep 25, 2012
h2g2 in the 21st Century 25 Set 2012
Posted Sep 25, 2012
As some of you know, I am about to launch a new venture.
Helping the site to become more sticky to a newbie, encourage old returning Researchers to air their views and all, old and new, users to make it known in one place, how to bring h2g2 into the 21st Century.
I do not want to do this alone and sound like an evangelistic nutter. I need help to keep me in check from rushing in like a bull in a china shop.
It is hoped the the New Towers will watch with interest and take up some of the good suggestions on what to change and what not to change.
Some things are very much a good thing and pushing this home is just as important as outlining which may be thought as ways to improve the site.
I know many will have gripes to air. This is fair enough but pointing fingers is not the aim of the game.
Being constructive rather than being destructive will get a better hearing.
It is something we all want - a friendly site which can be a cut above its rivals.
A site that is noticed all around the net and admired.
If you are interested in helping, then please, please sign up to this venture here.
Vogons & Trolls are definitely not welcome
all the best
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Latest reply: Sep 25, 2012
The h2g2 POST Launched
Posted Dec 12, 1999
Dec 6th 1999 - saw the launch of our very own Newspaper. Thanks to all who helped get it all together.Read All About it every Monday at
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Latest reply: Dec 12, 1999
h2g2 POST
Posted Oct 26, 1999
Myself and a few other researchers are about to launch a community newspaper and we are looking for roving reporters who will report back anything of interest they find in the h2g2 community.
Please let me know if you are interested.
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Latest reply: Oct 26, 1999
wide eyed smiley
Posted Jun 16, 1999
= 8 - )
Thats all for now folks
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Latest reply: Jun 16, 1999
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