This is the Message Centre for vegiman:-)

Peanut to Vegi

Post 21

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Of course you can, hunny. I wasn't really angry with you smiley - smooch

smiley - biggrin

Peanut to Vegi

Post 22

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

And I've just realised I've jumped into your conversation with peanut smiley - yikes

That serves me right for being curious about The Whispering Dog smiley - blush

I shall unsub now, sorry smiley - smooch

Peanut to Vegi

Post 23


smiley - rofl mentor indeed, I have been here for 11 years and still don't my way around! I do though know where to run too for help

Vegi is right we need to hear from new researchers so I am listening and following up albeit slowly

KB mentioned in their jorunal about looking at the peer review page from a newbies eyes and it is confusing and here we have it from a newbies mouth so that needs looking at

I wouldn't say smiley - thepost is marginalised at all although admittedly other areas of h2g2 are quiet. This is because it is quiet around here smiley - erm

I am also wondering what happened to The Showcase which was supposed to feature the best of the guide and underguide and bring the two closer together. I admit here and now that I don't go to the front page since the ads but it does seem that only approved entries are featured on the front page

Lil do you know if this the is the case, or who would know (see that is me running for help smiley - winkeye )

smiley - coffee and smiley - cake

Peanut to Vegi

Post 24


oops, a sim post there,that will teach me to post and smiley - run

Lil please come back smiley - laugh I'll smiley - run after her later but if anyone sees her first will you please pass the message on

tell her there is Chardonnay smiley - winkeyesmiley - diva

Peanut to Vegi

Post 25

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

There is Chardonnay?? smiley - divasmiley - bubbly *hic*

I left to give you a bit of privacy, not that it's really possible in hootoo smiley - rolleyes

I don't know what happened with the Showcase, Peanut. It might have been dropped while the Pliny Front Page was being set up and stabilised. You could ask Lanzababy about it smiley - ok

lil xx

Peanut to Vegi

Post 26


Yes, I would like to know what she thought of the whispering smiley - dog

smiley - run's after her
or did she go
smiley - nur that way.
AE, I am really sorry for all the mix ups earlier - Put it down to be being tired and incoherent. It happens from time to time Still getting over my hospital procedure.

Make a note to self (Do not post late at night)

all the best

Peanut to Vegi

Post 27


Ooo - cross posting - you beat me to it Lil

You're back

Don't drink it all - leave some smiley - tongueout

Peanut to Vegi

Post 28

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

LEAVE SOME??? smiley - cross

*hides Chardonnay in her smiley - handbag* smiley - tongueout

Peanut to Vegi

Post 29


knew that would happen smiley - winkeye

*whips out hip flask of from smiley - handbag*

Thanks Lil I'll ask Lanzababy smiley - ok

Peanut to Vegi

Post 30


sends in TWsmiley - dog to distract Lil from guarding her smiley - handbag

Big tray of freshly made smiley - chocolatesmiley - cakes - blowing the wonderful aroma over Lil's way

Has glass at the ready smiley - biggrin

Peanut to Vegi

Post 31

AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute

Wow smiley - smileysmiley - cool
This thread went bonkers
T’is nice to see lil ‘round, she has been so nice to me.smiley - smileysmiley - cool

But as to misunderstandings… I take no offence. It is nice to be a friend of vegi.smiley - smileysmiley - cool
I do think the incident highlights how communications can go wrong on a blog.smiley - smiley
As I have said elsewhere, the emoticons help.smiley - cool
Perhaps blogging is a new language paradigm.smiley - wah
Blogging is short and simple notes that run the risk of being misunderstood.smiley - wah
Then add to that, expressions of humor balled up with cultural diversity and the risk goes much higher.smiley - wah
I for one, am not too surprised I ran into misunderstandings.
What I was perplexed about was how much effort it took to resolve the problems. smiley - wah

Point in fact, some of the misunderstandings in my peer review did not get resolved.smiley - wah
With well meaning effort on my part, and much effort on their part, mundane things went unresolved. Why? In very rare cases I expect that people will just have to agree to disagree.smiley - cool

To change my tack, I value intuition in ways most would not appreciate.smiley - smiley
Anecdotically, my Mother was very intuitive, my Father warned me that she was ALWAYS right, even if for the wrong reasons. smiley - cool
The point is that it seems I still argue with illogic and fail to see the value being offered.
When a reviewer knows what is right, but cannot explain why they are right; they will often defend their review point with illogic [and I argue with that]. That is a very prominent example of intuition. Language is a very intuitive process [especially for native speakers].smiley - cool

I, on the other hand, am here to learn to write… better.
In order to unlearn anything and learn a counter lesson, my mind filters strongly against illogic. If a reviewer cannot correct the illogic, and I do not see what is right, we are at an impasse. smiley - wah

To change back my tack, the Peer Review needs to be understood as a review by peers, not ex-perts. As such, NO advice is better than another, by definition of the word peer. Without leadership, what can result is “design by committee.” I therefore suggest that the author be given more weight in the review process. Let me quickly add, this may be the case, but it is not clear.smiley - smiley

Above Peer Review is the editorial process. So an Editor has more weight than an Author. If Approved Entries are to be of the encyclopedic ilk, the Editor can take responsibility for that result. If the Approved Entries need to include a broader range, that too is the purview of an Editor. But the intuits of a peer should not control such matters.smiley - smileysmiley - cool
smiley - cheers

Peanut to Vegi

Post 32


I and a few other researchers were the instigators of Peer Review in the early days of h2g2.

I ran the first few before it was taken over by the h2g2 team at the time.
There you will see original the concept, few of the links to pages being reviewed may not work but in the main they do.

As you point out - There are issues which need to be sorted in todays Peer Review. smiley - sadface

I think I will have to sort out a Home page for this soon - so discussions are not hidden away out of view.

I did ask Pastey to give me access to an old stomping ground called Area 42 which was to be a history of h2g2 but something I started when RL intervened and it did not get off the ground. smiley - sadface

Pastey has been too busy to sort this as the volunteer tech guy for the site, he has a lot on.

You will note that I post in short paragraphs. This is intentional, I know, not strictly correct. As a printer in the past, knowing the value of white space and I rarely get a TLDR or is it TLNR smiley - biggrin

I find Long Paragraphs in posts are not read but a long post with short paragraphs are.

Off now - catcha, (Cockney for see you soon), in the morning.

all the best

Peanut to Vegi

Post 33

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*lil feeds lots of smiley - chocsmiley - cake to TWsmiley - dog and slurps her Chardonnay*

smiley - divasmiley - bubbly *hic*

lil xx

Peanut to Vegi

Post 34


smiley - yikes Rushes TWsmiley - dog to the vets for a stomach pump before chocolate sends him into a fit.

On return, cleans cyber poop up off the carpet

Lil, didn't you know too much smiley - choc is poison to a dog.

There's a good boy, what did the naughty lady do to you.

hears a *hic* from across the room smiley - winkeye

Luckily the vet says it's all smiley - ok cos a cyberdogs stomach is different. smiley - puff that was a close one. smiley - biggrin

Yes AE the thread is going mad again smiley - smiley


Peanut to Vegi

Post 35

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hehehehe... The smiley - cake was covered in canine smiley - choc drops smiley - laugh

Poor TWsmiley - dog did that nasty vegiman make you lose your treats? smiley - hug

*sits vegi on the cold naughty step, without a cushion* smiley - evilgrin

Yep, AE.. We are all a little crazy in here smiley - rofl

lil xx

Peanut to Vegi

Post 36

AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute

only a little? smiley - biggrin

Peanut to Vegi

Post 37


smiley - yikes Vegi are you still sitting there without a cushion?

*looks around, coast looks clear, sneaks a cushion to Vegi*

Is all well Vegi? I haven't been seeing you about

smiley - hug

Peanut to Vegi

Post 38


Thanks for the cushion Peanut

Just taking a rest bite, feel more comfy now smiley - biggrin - Have a new member of the family and she has been taking a lot of my attention of late.

Resting my brain. Be back soon.
Still smiley - lurking

smiley - hug vegi

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