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500 issues of the h2g2 Post
Post Team Started conversation Jun 2, 2012
Hi vegiman,
I'm writing a Random Ramblings Special for the 500th issue of the h2g2 Post this Monday (4th June), and Pastey told me that you've returned to the site. I'm trying to reach all former Post editors and people who've shaped the Post over the years. I know it's late, but if you could drop me a line or two for the occasion I'd be most grateful. You can send them to
(or post here if that would be easier).
Many thanks in advance
500 issues of the h2g2 Post
vegiman:-) Posted Jun 3, 2012
sorry it is not as comprehensive as it could be
It was a bit rushed
500 issues of the h2g2 Post
Post Team Posted Jun 3, 2012
That's perfectly fine, I should have thought of it a lot earlier than I did! Thank you very much! You'll find the result tomorrow (or rather late tonight) at A87760533.
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500 issues of the h2g2 Post
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."