This is the Message Centre for vegiman:-)

The Newsletter

Post 1

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hey Veg!

Love the bloody fangs smiley - smiley

I just wanted to invite you to sign up for the "newsletter" for The Rambling Misfits. Oddly enough, it is located at the forum called "The Misfit Newsletter"

Just post a message to the above forum if you want to receive updates (additions to the roster, new rooms at Frink's Drinks, maybe even a surprise or two???)

See you there

The Newsletter

Post 2


Hey Frink - Sorry for the delay - Still searching for the the missing FR entants - This Idea of yours could tie in with something -Pastey -MadMunk-Loony-JimiX and myself are creating - The h2g2 Post - A kinda newspaper thingy - Love to have you on the team and join forces.

Interested - email me at
[email protected]

We are just setting up a 200mb Web Site to back the venture - I'll Pop over to your page now
Vegimansmiley - smiley

The Newsletter

Post 3

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hey there Veg! Sorry it took me a few days to respond......I'm interested to see where you and the others go with this project, but I don't know how much time I could spare to help out. I may sit this one out at first, to see where the project goes.........

The Newsletter

Post 4


OK - catha soon
vegsmiley - smiley

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