This is the Message Centre for vegiman:-)

Nice legs big boy!

Post 1

Jimi X

I like your legs!! Any word on when we'll be ready for Fun Run III ? smiley - winkeye
My stuff is all set up and ready to roll! Groundhog Day is good to go! smiley - smiley

Thanks!! smiley - bigeyes

Nice legs big boy!

Post 2


Sorry I have been busy on earning a living over the last few days - I hope to have all the details to get it up and running posted tonight.
vegimansmiley - smiley

Nice legs big boy!

Post 3

Jimi X

You're entitled! Man's got to eat afterall!! smiley - winkeye

Nice legs big boy!

Post 4


Shock horror - answered after only one week.

I have pleanty to eat - fruit & veg coming out of my cauliflower ears.
vegsmiley - smiley

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