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Getting a handle on life

Post 1


Fairly enlightened comments - many of the problems we have are to do with trying to get a handle on life, when there is in nothing to put the handle on. Life is about change. By trying to comprehend the meaning of these changes is like try to understand the plot of a film by looking at one frame. Everything has not existed, does not exist now, nor ever will exist, so you can never know it. So just live with the moment, its all you have or will ever know.

Getting a handle on life

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Throw out the tablets of stone and replace them with a



...All else will follow.

Getting a handle on life

Post 3


IS NOBODY ELSE A CONTROL FREAK THEN?? If I could just find the grass I would be pleased to keep off of it - but it keeps moving about.... maybe I'm on the grass after all!

Getting a handle on life

Post 4


You are the grass - keep of yourself.

Getting a handle on life

Post 5


Or off even.

Getting a handle on life

Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"


Getting a handle on life

Post 7


smiley - fish

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