This is the Message Centre for Jim the Wonder Llama (back from yonder)
From 2nd Welcome...
Ossario T'an Started conversation Dec 11, 1999
Kia Ora, Jim the Wonder Llama!
You were the second person to welcome me to H2G2 and The Guide when I was Researcher 101768...
Since then I have completed my first project and have published the complete collection of my own Schoolboy Poems. These now enjoy a Guide Entry page of their own, linked off my Home Page...
That has changed its name since you visited, and I now have a chosen nickname for my presence here.
This is an invite to visit my page again...
Ossario T'an
From 2nd Welcome...
Jim the Wonder Llama (back from yonder) Posted Dec 15, 1999
Thank you very much, Ossario T'an. I am on my way there to do so.
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From 2nd Welcome...
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