Journal Entries

Note to my Editor...

I do have a couple of reports in the pipeline, Boss, Honest! One of them looks like it may be a real doozey! 

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Latest reply: May 17, 1999

It's been a hell of a week!

What else can I say, really? Stress at work, coupled with a relationship crisis, (now resolved), and all topped off with a system crash so severe that I had to reformat my primary disk drive.

I can do without *THAT* again thankyou.

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Latest reply: May 16, 1999

I'm Skint

 But I'm going to Southampton to the Dungeon anyway.

Just thought I'd mention it. :o)

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Latest reply: May 11, 1999


 Gosh, how exciting. I have insufficient time to do anything I want to, and yet too much time to fill with doing nothing.

That bites.

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Latest reply: May 9, 1999

Still not 100%

I went to work this morning, but came home. Still not feeling brilliant.
Ah well...

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Latest reply: May 6, 1999

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