This is the Message Centre for John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

please respond :-)

Post 1


hello there smiley -'s me, monsy....wanted to contact you about being interviewed for the Post 1-2-1 smiley - smiley...please email me at [email protected] and let me know smiley - smiley i do hope that you agree to the interview and look forward to hearing from you soon smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

please respond :-)

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hi Monsy... that sounds exciting (as long as you promise not to shine bright lights in my face or make me talk to anyone who looks like Robbie Coltraine smiley - winkeye). My e-mail server is on the fritz again at the moment; but I'll drop you a note as soon, as the saying goes, normal service is resumed (assuming it is... time to look at Hotmail, I think)smiley - smiley


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