This is the Message Centre for John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Questions for h2g2 POST

Post 1

The Cheese

Hey John-the-gardener

I'm doing an article for the h2g2 POST on user pages, and I had a few questions to ask you:

1. What do you use your page for?
2. To you, what makes a good page?
3. Do you often update your page?

Thank you so much!

~The Cheese

Questions for h2g2 POST

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Greetings Cheese,

1. What do you use your page for?

I suppose the main thing is to establish an h2g2 identity. After that, I use it to link to the things I am interested in; such as the Tibet links, friends, and pages that I want to promote (like the 'Tibetan Greenhouse Dugout', for example).

2. To you, what makes a good page?

I think the most important thing is that the page says something about the Researcher. There are a lot of pages full of animated graphics, and so on, that don't give much of an idea about who their creator is. It's easy to get carried away with the bells and whistles.

3. Do you often update your page?

I make a point of leaving the basic description part pretty much alone, because I want that to represent who I am (and I don't want to appear too schizophrenic smiley - winkeye ). Other parts I change fairly regularly, especially the 'Mystery Guest', which I try to update daily (I usually pick newer Researchers or someone who's up to something interesting).

Good luck with the article; I hope this is helpful.smiley - smiley


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