This is the Message Centre for John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"


Post 1


Dear John,

why has your page got fat?
It stretches in a left/right sort of way on my pc, my page, on the other hand, is still very thin (in content too).



Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I had noticed other people's fat pages and wondered how they did it. Then, quite by accident, I fattened my own by including a rather long URL in a journal posting. After a time, the journal entry was replaced by other things, and my page returned to its slender former self. The problem was that, in the mean time, I'd shuffled things around to make them look nice in fat format; so I had to post another long URL (I suppose anything that doesn't wrap would do). I think I've seen other pages that have been widened by a really long Header. There's probably a more technical way of doing it... but this is what works for me.smiley - winkeye



Post 3


Another thing.
I have links to loonytoons and madmonks pages, I dont know which but one causes my 'pooter to crash!
What do you reckon?
Too much picturey stuff for my poor beast.



Post 4

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Mmm... that may be it; they both take ages to load. Looney's set off a lot java-clatter, for some reason. Neither made my box crash, but Madmonk's took so long loading that I dozed off and had a rather unsettling dream that it had.smiley - winkeye



Post 5


Any road, John, I haven't been here much lately as I foolishly bought "Pharao" last week and the latest "Settlers" CD last Autumn and am really chuffed with my new isdn connexion that I listen to exotic radio stations instead of contributing!
It'll wear off soon!


Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Is that the game where you manage a village on the Nile? I was just looking at the web site: looks like fun.smiley - smiley Have you come across anything especially interesting on the radio? I was struck by how pervasive the American-style pop influence seems to be.


Fat - Radio

Post 7


John, I listen occasionally to the Ministry of Sound from London, tuned in today to the Chemical Brother's site and enjoy Garrison Kiellor's "A praire Home Companion from Minnesota.
Some tast eh?
Pharao is a village to start with but one must simply persevere!

Radio Free Fat... eh.

Post 8

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

You seem to have picked up a Canadian accent from somewhere.smiley - smiley

Radio Free Fat... eh.

Post 9


Yes John,
Jay Leno has a bit of a poke at both canadian and english pronunciation.
And english dentistry (lack thereof)


Radio Free Fat... eh.

Post 10

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Jay Leno....[shudder]... It would take a very special dentist to tackle his jaws. My dentist asked me, the last time I visited the office, if I had any nightmarish memories of British dentistry. I told him that, as I recall, it was the refuge of Nazis who couldn't get to South America (Take that Leno!).smiley - smiley


Radio Free Fat... eh.

Post 11


I saw him in a film once and that caused some gnashing of teeth.
I should send him the bill


Radio Free Fat... eh.

Post 12

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

With all the new 'specialty' channels on TV, I sometimes get the feeling that eventually getting your own TV show is almost inevitable, unless you actively avoid it... but then you'd probably end up as the subject of an exposé on a program hosted by someone who looks suspiciously like the guy who used to deliver the morning paper.


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