This is the Message Centre for John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks JTG!

Post 1

Uncle Sam

I really appreciate the great job you did with my Uncle Sam entry. You must have gone through a lot of hard work to find all those links and stuff.
I honestly didn't remember submitting it, but thanks for your efforts in making it better.

I really like your home page too. Once the holidays are over I think I'll exercise my political conscience and do the right thing!

Happy holidays and thanks again!

- US

Thanks JTG!

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thankyou for the kind words. Your submission was well written, so really all I had to do was find the links.

I'm glad you like the finished product, and appreciate you saying so.smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear.


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