This is the Message Centre for John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"
... honestly.
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Started conversation Jan 8, 2003
I'd better write another Journal Entry, or people will think that the last one was a lie.
... honestly.
Jimi X Posted Jan 8, 2003
So how many feet of snow do you folks have up north? We've been getting hit every week or so with the dreaded 'wintry mix' - a combination of snow, sleet, ice, freezing rain and rain.
At least the drought is over for us!
... honestly.
Ginger The Feisty Posted Jan 8, 2003
Hey guys
We have snow here too but not quite enough to warrant getting the skis out! Did you both have a good christmas and new year?
... honestly.
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jan 11, 2003
Hey both... and Happy New Year!
(Is there a date when you can officially stop saying that?)
Great Christmas, thanks. We spent Boxing Day with my sister, her husband, and their twin boys, who were celebrating their first Christmas... well, second, really; but they were so tiny last time that it hardly counts. How can you not feel festive in a room full of flashing toys that sing the alphabet everytime someone steps within sensor range?
As for snow, we've had the same mixed bag as you, I think, Jimi. the thermometer has been going up and down like a slide whistle. When it has snowed, it has snowed fairly heavily. But, so far, it has been melting again within a few days. We've probably got about 3 or 4 inches, or so, on the ground at the moment.
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... honestly.
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