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 Sorry for not writing sooner. I've been buisy playing Starship Titanic. I suggest you try it.

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 1999

Entry #4

I haven't writen in this journal for ages so applogies.

I the last week I have been introduced to the game Starship Titanic. It's a top game though diamond hard.
If any one has any tips, I would gladly recieve them.

Also I have been to my first Speedway meet and booked my first (and probably last) flying lesson. 

As well as this I have been trying to avoid finding out about the new Star Wars film before I see it.

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 1999

Entry #3. 14/7/99

This week I will mostly be wearing brown socks and leather sandals.

I have decided to finish decoration my bedroom. This is an awful task I started one evening (two months ago) and never finished.

A few points to remember when decoration.
1. Do not expect that your decorating attempt will produce anything like the catalogue image that was the idea you first had.
2. Do not expect the materials you will have to buy to be within your annual salary.
3. Do not expect to be able to wash out the paint that falls in your hair. A quick hair cut maybe needed.

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 1999

Weasel's Log #2

What a fine weekend I had. I attended the Bunac annual Booze-crooze on the Thames. This would be fine if it was not for the fact that my best mate pulled a Yank and I was left to talk to her dippy mate and totaly failed to score! Help.

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 1999

First Entry

You always feel odd doing stuff like this. Especialy if your dislexic and can only two fingertype.
Dan told me to try this HHGTTG thingy over a pint fizzing of mind rotter, so here I am.

Today @ work I was sent an e-mail for humourous film clip where a bloke gets him head stuck up an elephants arse.
Lunch was @ the pub so I've been a bit sleepy since and therefore cannot remember much about what I was supposed to be doing.
I also spent a good while chatting up some unknown fe-mail by e-mail.

Not partucularly interesting or funny, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

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Latest reply: Jun 30, 1999

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