Journal Entries


i seem to be at university.
this is most odd.

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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2003

I'm off to see the wizard...

well, i'm off to nottingham for a few days.
but soon i shall go to manchester for uni.
hoorah for me.
i rock.

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2003

it's over! it's over! it's all over!

my last a-level exam is done.
and i think i just about managed an e.
which is all i need.
so i'm ok.

i'm getting ready to go out to camden.
will go to librium and then to jb&b.
it will be lots of fun.
i'm thinking of taking a spare outfit in order to make evening more rah.
am unsture.

nikky will be there which is good.
charley won't which is bad.

charley cometh tomorrow which is good.
and i think i will go to the car boot over the road and try and find fab clothes and stuff. yes.

richard and judy both just laughed a little too much at the idea of them both being gay.

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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2003


i'm getting ready for my exam tomorrow.
no, that's a lie.
i'm panicing about my exam tomorrow.
have read first of about FIFTY MILLION extracts in pre-release material.
but f**k it.
i'm not gonna be able to do the second question anyway.

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Latest reply: Jun 19, 2003


Yay! I'm back! *dances*

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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2003

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