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Discworld new releases/comming soon

Post 1


Right on the heels of Carpe Jugulum, (O.K. within a few months.) comes the discworld cook book,
containing many of Nanny Oggs dishes from Maskerade.
details are still sketch but die hard fans wait with baited breath.
The next of the novels is suposed to be set at Unseen University, the wizards accidentaly create a
minature planet in room 3b and send Rincewind down to the surface to study the evolution of life.
I'm not sure, but I believe it is provisionaly called The Fifth Elephant.

Discworld new releases/comming soon

Post 2

Daibhid Chiennedelh

Nope, "Fifth Elephant" is set in Uberwald, and features the Watch.

You're thinking of "The Science of Discworld", out now, in which the wizards create a universe in which magic does not exist and well known scientists Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart explain why it seems to follow rules.

It's a must buy for a science minded Discworld fan.

Discworld new releases/comming soon

Post 3


Sorry, Thanx for setting me straight on that, I was obviously misled by my informant.

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