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Of course I'm still working on my Cody Wyoming entry but I was wondering which of the following entries would be the most helpfull to you:
1. How to make a rubber band Gun
2. Lawn Chairs
3. Techy Computer term Glossary
4. Anti-static/Conductive Bags
5. How to use a towel to aid breathing in a smokey place
Also If you like respond about other topics you want entries on and I may research it and write one.
nillion42 smiley - tongueout

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Latest reply: Jul 30, 2000

I'm Back

Well, I'm back, although I don't have an exscuse for being gone about 2 months. And I don't have an exscuse for not posting in 50 weeks. Anyway, I am back and I will try to stay back and an active member of H2G2. Here in Cody Wyoming today, it is rathar hot. I'm not sure how hot but hot enough to give you an irrational desire to buy every single thing of ice cream at the Supermarket and eat it all. I think you get the idea. Not much is going on, I'm working on an entry for my town Cody Wyoming in general as well as the places to go and things to do. Do you think I should make one big entry or make a bunch of little ones?

Hold onto your towel smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 7, 2000

Um, Ah Hi

Hello, (note: this is a mirror of site /U32744 )

Wow, I'm glad I found
this site, it is really neat.
Ok, what am I doing? I'm on
my 42 quest, for those of
you who don't know, a 42
quest is a time for those
HGttG nuts to try to find as
many 42's in the real world
as possible. So long till my
next entry, I have to get off
the internet

Discuss this Journal entry [2]

Latest reply: Apr 30, 1999

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