This is the Message Centre for Miss Gunn

I do know of this place... Utah!

Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hello there, as I happened upon your little commants about Utah, I thought I would come by and say Hi! so.... Hi! Marv

Well excellent!

Post 2

Miss Gunn

Hi there Marv. (Miss Gunn nodds gravely. Then she makes a silly face at you.)

Well excellent!

Post 3

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Such a silly face for a pretty girl. smiley - winkeye

Well excellent!

Post 4

Miss Gunn

Such a silly girl for a pretty face.

Well excellent!

Post 5

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Well I guess that is as accurate as anything else. From where do you claim exsistance?

Well excellent!

Post 6

Miss Gunn

South Dakota. No one actually lives there. A few cardboard cut-out people, some false front houses, a couple of disporportional stone presidents… I'm not there now.

Well excellent!

Post 7

marvthegrate LtG KEA

A freind who lived there for two years said much the same thing. Where are you now if you don't mind my asking?

Well excellent!

Post 8

Miss Gunn

Obviously, I've been nowhere near a computer. Or else, if I've been near a computer, I've forgotten to hit this site every once in a while.... Whoops. Well, I'm currently residing in the twin cities of Minnesota, the center for odd weather, it seems, today. It's currently bright and sunny. Five minutes ago, it was raining with more water pressure than any showerhead I've ever experienced. Ten minutes prior to that, it was snowing. Alot. Currently, there's no wind, but merely half an hour ago, a sudden gust took a small friend of mine and lodged her in the upper branches of an oak tree here on campus. Just kidding. It was actually a pine.

Well excellent!

Post 9

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Oh my! The weather there sounds fun.... Here it is starting t get warm and sunny. This has been a rather odd winter and I am glad for the sun. Sorry to have missed you for so long however....

Well excellent!

Post 10

Miss Gunn

Ah yes. Such is the weather of the lovely midwest. I'm having a very odd week. (This refers most specifically the very recent event of getting my skinny honky ass cast as "Big Momma" in Tennesee Williams' "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", a large black woman. A wonderful character, but cross-casting is a wee bit dramatic/traumatic.) Must go to sleep now and get up early early early to do my french. I'm trying to get back here more often, but I've rarely got time to work on my real web page.

Well excellent!

Post 11

marvthegrate LtG KEA

You must let me know about the reviews! I am sure that they will be excellent. As for cros casting, when in high school I was cast as Charlie Bates. I was the sidekick to Rodger Dodger from Oliver! I m 6'4" and the guy who played Dodger was 5'3". That was a sight.



Post 12

Miss Gunn

Nevermind. I was re-educated tonight by people who *know* what they're talking about, and "Big Mamma" is not, in fact, black. She's just big. Which is still quite a leap for me.

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