Journal Entries

Week 2

 Not much to say. Life been alright and i'm working to much .
O'Well that's life.
End of entry.

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Latest reply: May 6, 1999

Week 1

 I've generaly been snowed under with college work but a couple of interesting things might be happening.
On Saturday I should be taking part in one of our football matches.
These only happen when it warm enough and envolves a group psycopaths running around a field chasing after a half flat football.
Now because i'm very large in size I tend to defend. Because of this it becomes a competition of knocking other people over as much as possible. The largest in our called Steve tends to love doing this to people but when someone (Like Me Especially) knocks him over he gets up, complains that it was a foul then sits down and sulks when people start laughing at him.
On Sunday apparentley we are going down anouther park to shout everyone with Be-Be Guns. Not innocent by-standers though.

Entry Date: 30/4/99

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Latest reply: Apr 30, 1999

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