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y to k

Post 1

Digby, a dog that barks.

Well the end of the world is hovering around two hundred days away and I'm sitting in a western city at the western edge of the western hemisphere. Y2K is what the media is calling it. Yup, they coined a term from quasi-computer jargon to describe a programming flaw that any one with an iota of foresight could have seen a millenium ago. Perhaps they were more on the ball back then or perhaps because things took longer to do they were used to planning further ahead. Well, it is not that way in my day and age. Dinner is cooked, in five minutes, by a lead cased radiation chamber, which sits happily in my kitchen. There's no need to sew the seeds in spring for winter it just two city blocks down to the grocer 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They ought to have called Y2K 'tomorrows problem', because that's the thinking that brought this bug to be. At least that's what everybody says bought nobody really knows for sure or cares cause we haven't got that much hindsight. I like to believe, that some clever jesters years ago decided to set it all up that way, quietly laughing to themselves, this way will all be guaranteed some excitement and the turn of the millenium. Its funny too all the buzz about the crash to come. "Who's prepared?" "Who's not?" That's the topic on everyone's tongue. Okay, not everyone's tongue some of us are more worried about where the party will be and where we want to welcome in the new age in a drunken madness of celebration. Quietly, hoping we don't get caught in an elevator due to Y2K or unable to get our hands on cash due to an early spasm of Y2K.
Oddly enough Armageddon seems to have become upstaged by the suspected computer crash. I guess in the minds of most us, the data of our bank accounts is a little more important than something so insignificant as the end of the world. It sometimes makes me wonder if there isn't some sort of conspiracy behind it all. Perhaps someone out there has arranged the problem and the media hype, just so the hysteria doesn't get out of control and really bring on Armageddon. I propose that all of you picture what the topic of conversation around this coming new years would be if we didn't haveY2K to gab about. I think I know a few people that would have been digging holes and building bomb shelters, but now they got Y2K to worry about, there saying, "I'm not going near an aeroplane on that night."

y to k

Post 2


What a Weirdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

y to k

Post 3

Digby, a dog that barks.

okay whose the werdo me or the chap that wrote the original bit?

y to k

Post 4

Digby, a dog that barks.

okay considering your boab I guess the weirdo commment was actually an attemp at self flagilation I believe you ought to visit

y to k

Post 5


I think your towel is placed firmly between your ears - you should get out more often.

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