This is the Message Centre for whatisay

No Subject

Post 1

Agent Sizzle

Hmm, shall we start a discussion about the death penalty...???

No Subject

Post 2


yes ASsmiley - loveblush

let's hang all tory voters!

are you going to use ERic tooth brush!smiley - laugh


No Subject

Post 3

Agent Sizzle

You know what? I might just give the offer of a new toothbrush in the morning a miss...

Well, that's something I didn't expect to be offered today. smiley - laugh

No Subject

Post 4


smiley - laugh

No Subject

Post 5

Agent Sizzle

I'm off for my beauty sleep!


Sizz smiley - loveblush

No Subject

Post 6


night ASsmiley - loveblush

sleep tight

don't have nighmares about being lost in a Maze...

Andysmiley - smooch

Where''s Eric?! Plus we need to re-group!

Post 7


God I never thought I'd say this but commrades we need some organisation here you lot are all over the place.

Not being bossy but I know this place been here lurking/member for 4r years and in contact with THEM!

We need to create a guide entry for R2 N&CA so everyone can focus otherwise we will fall into the pit!!

I'll do it tomorrow if I can no I'm doing it now so look at my page!!!!

Love and lots of whatever even to you Andy now we are mates smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss


Where''s Eric?! Plus we need to re-group!

Post 8


Forum created :-) Please do what you can tomorrow I'm a bit tied up with trouble at home! BDG XX

Where''s Eric?! Plus we need to re-group!

Post 9

Agent Sizzle

Hi Andy

Still here?

I hope to catch you later ... somewhere on here!

Yes, Miss, I've been good and followed your instructions and 're-grouped' as commanded smiley - laugh

But I can still have my little chats on here too, can't I?
smiley - smiley

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