Journal Entries


It seems to me like they change the rules every day. Yesterday and the
day before, the front door to the student centre was locked and the
only way in was via. the bar, today, it's the other way around! It's
not good for tired creatures of habit like me who tend not to watch
where we walk. Oh well, such is life. Still haven't given blood, I 'll
have to do that later.

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Latest reply: Apr 30, 1999


Well, here it is, the first of my journal entries for H2G2. The Computer Society
of NUI,Galway ( ) are having their Annual
General Meeting tonight. This is significant to me because I am the current
leader of this merry bunch of nerds. I must remember to give blood today.
I'll probably wait until I've had a meal so that I'll be strong enough and
leave enough time so that I won't have to drive straight afterwards.

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 1999

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