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Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11741


Ah, crossed kerplink.

Change of plan re venue and start time. Dunno setlist yet but will be from published list.

smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11742


smiley - redwine Cheers! smiley - redwine

" ... will be from published list."

Nope, that won't do smiley - smiley

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11743


'fraid it'll have to since I really don't know any more than that.

smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11744


smiley - redwine clink smiley - redwine

Respectable style, adequate technique, poor choice of dive ... I know you don't know /now,/ but you will know afterwards (and before, natch) smiley - winkeye

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11745


I think you might be proceeding on the basis of some false assumptions about our way of working. We won't know until we get there. Then we'll haggle, we won't write it down, then I'll forget. That is the truth.

smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11746


smiley - redwine clink smiley - redwine

"I think you might be proceeding on the basis of some false assumptions about our way of working."

In this case, any assumption would have a truth possibility of 50:50.

"We won't know until we get there."

That's reasonable. That's also why I said I was placing my order, against future delivery.

"Then we'll haggle, ... "

Fair enough, I didn't foresee that.

" ... we won't write it down, ... "

So there never was and never will be a set list.

" ... then I'll forget."

But you could go through the menu retrospectively and say which were included, and maybe recall what topped and tailed the set ... ?

"That is the truth."

I'll send you a Gideon or, failing that, a copy of AA's autobiography

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11747


smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

"In this case, any assumption would have a truth possibility of 50:50."
I don't think that's true.

"So there never was and never will be a set list."
Unless we break with tradition and write it down because of all the new numbers. But I doubt we will.

"But you could go through the menu retrospectively and say which were included, and maybe recall what topped and tailed the set ... ?"
I suppose so. Can I ask why you'd want to know?

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11748


smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

"I don't think that's true."

Hmm, in fairness, I don't think I had or have any assumptions about this.

"Unless we break with tradition ... "

Hah! Why change a method that works for you? No need to bother with change for the sake of change, I reckon ... so I doubt you'll change this.

"Can I ask why you'd want to know?"

No more than curiosity which is heightened by, erm, stonewalling.

I can be curious about something else, if you prefer ... don't have anything in mind, but I can work on it if needs be smiley - winkeye

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11749


smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

"No more than curiosity which is heightened by, erm, stonewalling." giving you all of the existing information is stonewalling? smiley - erm

I suppose I just can't identify with the desire to know such details, each to their own though eh?

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11750


smiley - redwine clink smiley - redwine

Not really, hence the 'erm' and anyway it wasn't you who alerted me to any of this in the first place.

"I suppose I just can't identify with the desire to know such details, ... "

This reminds me that we had a considerable ruck some time back for exactly the same reason ... I'm desisting as of right now smiley - erm

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11751


I don't think not alerting somebody is equivalent to stonewalling. I have, as far as I know, given all the available information requested (really). If I've missed something, I really don't mind you asking, so feel free.

smiley - empty G'night! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11752


As I said, I've disengaged from this now and imo it's better just to let it go ... anyhoo, if I miss you tomorrow, have a good one and then another good one smiley - winkeye

smiley - empty G'nite! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11753


smiley - cappuccinosmiley - cappuccino

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11754


smiley - cappuccinosmiley - cappuccino

I have a letter tersely informing me of the importance of regular dental check-ups ... and another saying they've had to cancel next month's check-up smiley - erm

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11755


Setting off soon...

smiley - teasmiley - tea

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11756


smiley - teasmiley - tea

A reply is being drafted even as I interrupt myself to post this. It is mostly a load of words leading to a Timothy Lumsden smiley - winkeye

Travel safely ... travel safely ... ttfn~~~

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11757


smiley - teasmiley - cake

smiley - cakesmiley - tea

Gigs done, all fine. Heading for Brizzle soon.

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11758


smiley - cakesmiley - tea

smiley - teasmiley - cake

Excellent (kk mentally watches as the psimobile executes a perfect 180 turn)smiley - smiley

Will there be a mental nod to the bench, or are you just catching up with other colleague nearby? Whatever, and at the risk of rerepeating (sic) myself ... enjoy, travel safely ~~~

Oops, you'll be needing this ... smiley - choc

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11759


Ooh, ta.

smiley - teasmiley - tea

Bench is 'tother side of Brizzle innit. Hoping to catch my friend jb.

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11760


smiley - teasmiley - tea

Confess I leapt to the right conclusion by chance - hang out half a flag smiley - biggrin

But then I thought 'maybe not that, even if it makes sense, maybe mental nods en route to Brizzle and bench' ... good thinking/planning while your outenbout.

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