This is the Message Centre for chinchilla

Go to Silicon Heaven...

Post 1

Researcher 49513

Erica, If I EVER catch you using my name, on-line AGAIN... I will not only Flame you so baad that your feet won't touch the ground... But you will die a hideous death.

Get over it... I am intereted in Lucy... Not YOU... Leave me alone you Chinchilla Murdering Pyscho Bitch of a Bitch!


I will also report you to the RSPCA for deliberqtly Jamming a Rodent down a radiator.

Now, Smeg off out of my life... u have ushed it too far. Go screw Andy or Pete B.

Go to Silicon Heaven...

Post 2


Got you you guilable person!!!!

Go to Silicon Heaven...

Post 3


anyway .... I'm taken so I wouldn't be interested in Paul or you or Pete or Andy or any of them.

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