Journal Entries


I've decided that I'll use this journal to record excitingly cool things that I've found on the web. Maybe even things that catch my fancy in real life, although I don't tend to experience much of that. smiley - smiley

There's a damn nice "Astronomy Picture of the Day" web site in NASA's domain:
Each day there is a new picture ranging from things as close as the moon to as far and as freaky as a distant galaxy being swallowed by a black hole at its centre. Some of the images are stunningly gorgeous. Each picture has a hyperlinked explanation, and it's very much worth a daily visit, if you're at all captivated by astronomy.

And now a quick plug for a good and dear friend: if you like that site, you'll love this article:

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 1999


They've changed the way journal entries are displayed. I swear, when I made my last entry - the one that has html code all through it - it displayed perfectly, and the code improved the appearance, rather than making me look like I can't create a web page to save my life. Embarrassing for someone who's employed as a web developer... smiley - smiley

Roll on the day when we can edit and delete entries!

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 1999

Thursday 29 April 1999

 Okay. This technology is now under my control. Ignore all journal entries that
pre-date this one. And this paragraph.
When I write something, the formatting
matters! Pedantry would be my middle name, were my middle name not

Today I discovered the International Star Registry (which will name a star after
you if you give them money) and (fortunately) also discovered that it's a bit of a scam. However,
this got me thinking:

I now have a number: 29888 (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy looked deep
within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined &nbsp;[1]</i&gtsmiley - winkeye.
Stars are known by numbers (as well as names in some cases).
If there is a star out there that has the number 29888, then that star is
A web surf might give me a list of star numbers.....
.... [some time later].... Well, that's 30 minutes of my life I shan't be seeing
Anyone out there got an online star catalog? Mail me! &nbsp; smiley - smiley

[1] &nbsp; I like The Simpsons!

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 1999


The formatting's stuffed!

Let's see if HTML code works.
It looks ugly in the journal preview,
but maybe it will work here.

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 1999

Thursday 29 April 1999

Today I discovered the International Star Registry (which will name a star after

you if you give them money) and (fortunately) also discovered that it's a bit of a scam [1]. However, this got me thinking:

- I now have a number: 29888 (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy looked deep

within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined. [2]
- Stars are known by numbers (as well as names in some cases).
- If there is a star out there that has the number 29888, then that star is MINE.
- A web surf might give me a list of star numbers.....
- .... [some time later].... Well, that's 30 minutes of my life I shan't be seeing again.
Anyone out there got an online star catalog? Mail me! smiley - smiley

[email protected]


[2] I like The Simpsons! (

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 1999

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