This is the Message Centre for loonycat - run out of fizz

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 881

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Here's a video for you, with the lyrics on the side smiley - winkeye

I always overpack smiley - winkeye Good luck!

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 882

loonycat - run out of fizz

smiley - ta
smiley - laugh

Baaaaack! smiley - biggrin

How was Mal's weekend? smiley - smiley

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 883

Malabarista - now with added pony

I was forced to go join RL! smiley - yikes For some reason, I was on premod smiley - huh

How was the wedding? smiley - smiley

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 884

loonycat - run out of fizz

RL!!! smiley - yikes Were you dragged away kicking and screaming? How was the experience smiley - erm

Were you being naughty smiley - winkeye

The wedding was smiley - magic The church (very smiley - brr though) and reception setting were lovely. My sister and the smiley - angelic bridesmaids looked very pretty. smiley - smiley

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 885

Malabarista - now with added pony

It had smiley - cake in it - and w*rk smiley - yikes

And I have no idea what I did - hopefully, they'll explain tomorrow.

smiley - cool And a good chance to catch up with the family, I bet smiley - smiley

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 886

loonycat - run out of fizz

smiley - cake is good, w*rk very bad! smiley - laugh

smiley - weird Hopefully they will smiley - hug

Yes, we went for dinner at a pub the night before and coincidentally met up with my aunt and her husband who were staying nearby! smiley - ok

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 887

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Exactly.

We'll see. Must have been a mistake smiley - winkeye

smiley - wow So an extra day for that kind of thing! smiley - biggrin

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 888

loonycat - run out of fizz

I'm avoiding the w*rk thing for another day smiley - biggrin

Of course, they're only human - aren't they? smiley - martiansmile

Yes, that was great as we only see each other at those type of occasions *sigh*

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 889

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - wowsmiley - applause I have to go tomorrow smiley - sadface

Perhaps - whatever they are, they make mistakes smiley - winkeye

Too bad smiley - erm Can't get a yearly meet of some kind started?

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 890

loonycat - run out of fizz

Aww smiley - sadface Uni or paid work?

Yes, I'm sure they made a mistake once when I complained smiley - whistle

Would be an idea, we don't like a million miles away and some of them are getting old smiley - erm

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 891

loonycat - run out of fizz

There should be a "live" in there smiley - laugh

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 892

Malabarista - now with added pony

Both, sort of - it's always hard to tell which it will be when I'm at the institute. And I have to go to the smiley - doctor

What, did they have you on premod, too? smiley - bigeyes

smiley - erm Ours meet on Boxing Day - maybe that's an idea?

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 893

loonycat - run out of fizz

smiley - goodluck with the smiley - doctor anyway. You must be fed up with seeing them. smiley - hug

No, someone said something about me which went on premod and was then released again so I got rather smiley - crosssmiley - laugh

I have to visit the other *side* then usually. We'll work something out smiley - smiley

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 894

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Quite. Especially as I messed up my shoulder again smiley - whistle And she'll be smiley - cross

I see. Maybe they didn't see the context?

smiley - laugh Get both sides together. The more, the merrier! We're about 25 people for Christmas smiley - biggrinsmiley - boing

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 895

loonycat - run out of fizz

Ah, difficult not to overuse something like a shoulder or elbow though smiley - erm

I thought it contravened the rules, they disagreed... smiley - huh

smiley - wow I have room for about half of that here if we use 2 rooms smiley - laugh

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 896

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Exactly. Especially on the right.

smiley - huh Very odd. They're usually very reasonable.

So make a kids' table smiley - winkeye

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 897

loonycat - run out of fizz

Yes, unless you're left handed smiley - smiley

How was the smiley - doctor?

I keep thinking it might be nice to go away for Christmas but I know I'd miss all the preparations, cooking, mad shopping trips and relatives smiley - laugh

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 898

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh True. Are you?

Well, she was rather busy and asked me to come back next week smiley - boing Which is good, I didn't feel like being poked smiley - nursesmiley - vampiresmiley - yikes

That's just part of the holiday smiley - winkeye

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 899

loonycat - run out of fizz

No, being ambidextrous would be handy though smiley - laugh

Good but bad that you've got to go back smiley - erm

My daughter had a check up today, she couldn't wait to get back to school! smiley - laugh

Oh yes, and that's what makes the smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwinesmiley - ale so necessary smiley - biggrin

Amazing I've not thought of this before...

Post 900

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh definitely! You could quaff smiley - ale with both hands smiley - winkeye

Oh, well. There are worse things to do than spend two hours reading magazines, two minutes talking to the smiley - doctor and two minutes being bled smiley - vampire

So the semester starts next week for you, too?

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