Journal Entries

How do I get onto my old space?

Hi, some kind friend,
I would like to add my old space to my Friends list, so that I can pick up the threads of friendship which I formed in the ALSORAN1 DAYS?
Can anyone tell me how to do it? i.e. how can I find AlsoRan1?

I also think that I need to change my introduction. That was really rather feeble, and I hope that I can have a really dramatic one with a wheelchair flying through the air, and an elegant redhead in it!!

With affection
doctorDickybirdsmiley - schooloffish

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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2006

Returned AlsoRan

Well, I expect that you have all been very busy and who is going to start looking up a silly old biddy like me whose wretched computer has gone on the blink.

So I shall now start my day by looking up "Who's online" and then catapault , in my w/c onto your space and sign you up as a friend. I hope you won't mind me doing this.

Can anyone tell me why I am in green and black.? Is that BRunel? I have asked for, but not yet succeeded in changing to Alabaster which I hope is all the happy colours.

It's has been a good day and K. and I cooked a Chinese meal for lunch which was very good. We have however kept the piri prawns for tonight!.

Well, I hope that someone finds that I am back online.

With affection
doctorDickybird smiley - schooloffish

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Latest reply: Jan 15, 2006

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