Journal Entries


 Well, It's near enough to the weekend now... Plans include dinner today with jen, then drinks with Lynn tonight and Country club tomorrow night with Both of them ! Lucky Me !!!

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Latest reply: May 7, 1999

Back Again

 Well, I seem to have spent the whole weekend with a Paintbrush in my hand !!! I got back in record time last night and had a very pleasant evening in the Ship ( Good Food There too ) with my mates and a 'few' drinks. Methinks I will be seeing Jennie after she finishes work today.

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Latest reply: May 4, 1999

Bank Holiday

 Well, After a very pleasant night on the Pop yesterday, I am just about to wrap up work and travel across to Lincoln to spend the Weekend with the Family, generally Dossing around and waiting 'till I can get back over here to spend some time with me Mates.

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Latest reply: Apr 30, 1999

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