This is the Message Centre for The Myth Of Fingerprints

Welcome Aboard

Post 1


I thought I recognised the name smiley - laugh

I've been here for a while, before I used the R2 board, much to some people's annoyance. You'll enjoy it here, probably more so on the Forum threads. The people here are the same mix but perhaps a bit smarter. Prepare yourself to be challenged a bit more than R2, but at the same time it's a lot more civilised.

So, are they shutting the R2 board as well now?

Welcome Aboard

Post 2

The Myth Of Fingerprints

I'm looking forward to it.

They are closing the R2 boards down as they don't see themselves as NACA anymore.

They want to go purely music based!

I think there is more to it than that personally.

Loads of us have washed up here tonight after following Victor Laslo.

Welcome Aboard

Post 3


I wonder if this has anything to do with some politician mouthing off that the web wasn't good for democracy. It was a news story the other week that I didn't pay much attention to at the time. But the Today board has gone, now R2. I expect Five Live to be next.

Welcome Aboard

Post 4


That's a joke right SWL? The web not good for democracy surely the complete opposite applies it empowers people to express their views smiley - biggrin

Thanks for your help btw very true what you ahave said above about h2g2 and the people being brighter smiley - winkeye people of course can try the Forum if they choose but I've created a entry for R2 N&CA because I don't see how we can talk about Allotments including THE allotment on that Forum do you?smiley - sadface

On ward and upward I suppose smiley - smiley

Welcome Aboard

Post 5


I wish it were a joke and I wish I had paid more attention to the guy. He was arguing along the lines that the web is a warren of false information and rumours, causing people to become misinformed. I think he wanted more governmental control to ensure that people only got what the govt consider "facts".

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