This is the Message Centre for The Myth Of Fingerprints

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Post 1



you can send private messages or have you own blog

it very good for some things

but not really for what we want (r2 MB replacement)


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Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

True, h2g2 will never be a replacement for your messageboard, but it is a fantastic place to be - be open-minded, you'll makle lots of friends here. smiley - ok


smiley - somersault

No Subject

Post 3


Hi belsmiley - biggrin

the scope for missing posts is massive

plus there must be thousands of long posts that no one will ever find!


No Subject

Post 4

The Myth Of Fingerprints

That's what I'm worried about Andy.

This place is so big, you could easily miss an interesting discussion.

No Subject

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi wis (you'll get used to having your name abbreviated smiley - biggrin). I'm not sure what missing posts you're taliking about, here, nothing every vanishes, except it is smiley - yikesed and then removed.
I'm tired, maybe that's why I don't understand...
Goodnight. smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 6


good night Bel

cheers for tryng to help


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