Journal Entries
Posted May 18, 1999
I hate it. Lets face it, it ain't the best thing to be doing on the coast. It rains too much. Next week my PE class is going camping. This is bad because it has been raing for almost a month straight. Well It's been raining all winter, but we did get some snow.
I hate camping with people I don't know, and all the girls in my class are snobs. And I am waisting my energy cuz nobody cares. GRRRR.
K. I need to go eat, I'm hungry
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Latest reply: May 18, 1999
Grade 10
Posted May 17, 1999
Yay!! It's over in a month tomorrow. In one month! Well that's when classes end. Then I have exams... BUT THEN IT'S OVER!! YESSSS!!
I can't wait. I just can't.
The only part I'll miss is my English class. I have the coolest teacher. Everybody wants to be in his class.
But I don't care. I just have to put up with one more month of PE, of jerks, of snobs and twinks, or homework, and everything.
And then it's summer holiday!... oh no.
After summer homidays comes school, grade 11, more work...
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Latest reply: May 17, 1999
Posted May 6, 1999
I did some interesting research today. Yeah. And on my fav. subject too. Sprite and Doritos. I love doing THAT type of research. Mmmmm. I could get used to that. I think that I can write an entry now. But I thnk that my research my make me get fat or something...
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Latest reply: May 6, 1999
Posted May 4, 1999
Here I am in school. Don't nobody laugh. I don't like being here. I'm just here because I have to be.
School is an intitution designed to hold students and teach them things
that they'll never need to use ever again. _-_ I'm gonna go to class now bye bye
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Latest reply: May 4, 1999
Posted May 1, 1999
All it ever does here is rain. And I do whish it wouldn't.
And if wants to conutiue raining at leaste we could have warm rain.
Oh but no no. Out here on the coast of Canada we have to have cold rain. Makes me want to spit.
I think I'll go stand in the rain for a while.
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Latest reply: May 1, 1999
Zaphods Girl
Researcher U28783
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