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but he was so TALL!

Post 1


I hate to admit that I probably had not thought about Douglas Adams for a few weeks prior to getting an email from my high school boyfriend informing me of his sudden death. I am glad to admit that the first thing I thought was "It can't be true! He was so TALL!" as if tallness were a condition of indestructibility. I think he might get a chuckle out of that.
Douglas Adams is one of the people who truly formed my wacko sense of humor and goofy cosmic world view. The silver lining to this particular grey cloud( I always do try to look) is that I was brought here into a community I never imagined. After calling all my friends who I know have an appreciation for what a fabulous gift he gave to the world, I was feeling at a loss. Now I feel like I am part of a community, and I thank you for that. I hope I can do my part to make his vision become a reality.

but he was so TALL!

Post 2

Researcher 174802

I tried to find meaning, the elusive 'silver lining', in his death, but all that came to me was

"If he'd died 10 years ago my marks at school would have been much better."

I suppose some things are just meant to be. And sometimes the silver lining is just not meant to be found.

Jason Doller

but he was so TALL!

Post 3


Actually being tall is a health risk. I read a study that taller people have shorter lifespans. My uneducated guess is that there is a greater tax on the resources of the body. My grandfather who was well over 6 foot and led a healthy life died at 70 and my other grandfather
ate what he wanted, smoked what he wanted and drank what he wanted is alive and kicking at 91.

Douglas Adams was so young and had so much more to give. I think you'll do well at honoring him.

but he was so TALL!

Post 4


Being 6'5" myself, I know about being tall! There is a heart condition known as Marfan ( sp? ). It has something to do with the aorta being taxed, and developing an annurism, which eventually fails.
Don't known DNA had this condition. One of the signs of it is rather large hands and feet in comparison to the overall body dimensions.

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