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Journal Eulogies

Post 1

Patrick A Reid

I'm guessing that a lot of people will have spilled their guts re: DNA being dead in their Journals. If you have, post a link in this thread and we can collect them all together or something. I'd be interested to read about how other people are reacting. Me, I was devastated and my own little rant does nothing to capture the true scope of this tragedy, but here it is nevertheless. Salutations.

My sympathies to DNA's close friends and family.

Journal Eulogies

Post 2


I already have a journal going on livejournal, which I've paid for, and so I use it. It isn't a eulogy as such, but Douglas' death stirred some thoughts that had been stirring this week anyways, and I posted them here:

[link removed by moderator]

My condolences to his family and friends. If the loss hurts his fans this much, it must be truly heartbreaking to those who knew him.

Journal Eulogies

Post 3

Patrick A Reid

Er, um. Your link has been removed.

Perhaps you could cut and paste the relevant text into the Guide.

Anybody else? Journal entries? Yes? No?

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