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Post 1

Man O' Cheese

If everyone at the BBC agrees that HHGTTG was such genius how come I havn't seen it on TV for years??? They repeat Dad's Army every 2 months.......


Post 2


Personally I'd rather they repeat the radio 4 series, but...


Post 3

Researcher 173921

Personaly I'm disgusted that H2G2 even bares the BBC logo on the site at all. When the project was first started it was nicely BBC free, but typical of the BBC they had to get their fingers in the pie somewhere along the line. As anyone who watches any t.v. at all will know, the BBC's only programme interests seems to to be dull repeats of things we've all seen a million times before, docu-soaps, and cooking programmes, and anything in the slightly bit related to Sci-Fi will get cancelled and have it's schedule changed for anything and everything. Even if they did repeat HHGTTG it would probably be interupted by some sporting event or another.
I think the only way you'll get to see HHGTTG on the BBC will be on one of their digital channels, you know, the one's we all pay for with our licence fees but only a small minority of us actually recieve ?
Go out and find the videos, they're all still available to my knowledge.


Post 4


I think that they should. Actually, I think they should run a HHGTG night sometime.


Post 5


I'd love to hear the radioplay again, its been years since I heard it. Heck its been decades!

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