Journal Entries
Purpose of Mankind
Posted Jul 14, 2009
I marvel at the wonderful phyical aspects of my various companion animals. They are so marvelous, perfect and pleasant in forms. I am also astonished by the diversity and beauty of animals in zoos and outside my front door. Why is only mankind vile and out of place and capable of such destruction? We are lousy stewards of a beautiful planet. Rock quarries are what we deserve. Our only hope is in the wonderful Author that created everything lovely. We need to be redrafted into something that fits better in the scheme of things,and as we are incapable of discovering this on our own, the author needs to lead us in this direction. How can we be comfortable and happy where we are?
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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2009
Magical animals,betrayal,bridling tongue
Posted Mar 16, 2006
Betraying a close friend makes you feel worse than being routed by a bl**day enemy.
Magical animals are difficult to track when they want to be, since they can so easily run rings around you close to their mysterious lairs.
Tongues should be bridled but loosened by Goths for fun. But there is no joy without their employment to lovers. Being called daft by the right person can make you cry.
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Latest reply: Mar 16, 2006
Sharpe's dream
Posted Feb 11, 2006
Sharpe wakes up late and is very disoriented. He has no recollection of what had happened Fourth Watch although he had had nothing to drink during dinner but coffee. He looks at his hands guiltily but there are no signs of violence done there. He thanks the Gheorgheni gods for that, but is aware that blanking out means he did Jamison no good either letting all that energy wash over him unprocessed.
He had a very strange dream that did not seem to 'belong' to him as the environs were exceedingly weird. He was in an 'office' of some sort of firm that had a particular job to do--some where outside the office. All of a sudden the job was done and the person was annoyed. Then he had a view of a 'suburban' tract house circa 1950 of white stucco house which had a 'breezeway' that went between house and 'garage' (Sharpe found these things in a library using techniques Jamie had taught him and was disconcerted to find that they were in America, a place he had no connection with and no desire to have anything to do with.) Then he saw three antigrav skooters with no one on them fly through the breezeway of this house. Very odd because these would not have been present in that century.
Then he had another short bit of a dream before he woke up of standing on a train station platform and there were people waiting there for the 'train'. He had the odd thought that they for the most part were going to the next station---which seemed a dreadful waste as Sharpe could see the next station less than a quarter mile away--since no-one had much luggage on them, and they could have walked it in 20 minutes.
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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2006
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