This is the Message Centre for elekragheorgheni

Huhu Hootoo

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This is me, leaving a thread open in case you're on and want to talk.

Huhu Hootoo

Post 2


HI, how is work don't tell me you got the Germans sorted out already?

Huhu Hootoo

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

My helper is complaining that nobody's got any problems, so we're bored.smiley - rolleyes

Ash Wednesday=hangovers?

Huhu Hootoo

Post 4


Gracious, well I hope people don't give up AO for lent - that'd be bad for business. My head feels like it's hung over -unfair drunk nothing but water.

Huhu Hootoo

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That's the weather changing, I'll bet.

You guys work out who's doing what, and let me know. I think the emperor needs to talk to the drama queen in sickbay, there.

And I'm entertaining kids in German, so...

Huhu Hootoo

Post 6


Forgot my coffee for the day-- that's contributing I'll bet.

Huhu Hootoo

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Go make some smiley - coffee. I got some, but it was old.smiley - rolleyes

Huhu Hootoo

Post 8


yuch, know what you mean ---this stuff was this morning -past sell by date for sure. Make yourself a fresh pot --enough people around to help finish it off.

Huhu Hootoo

Post 9

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

*goes to look if there's any new smiley - coffee*

Huhu Hootoo

Post 10

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

There was smiley - coffee. Also work.

How's it going?

Huhu Hootoo

Post 11


better, work done saw you had some RPG time. I'm feeling better now, hope you are too!

Huhu Hootoo

Post 12


Darn it can't find a pic of Alec Baldwin in oriental robes there is
but she is propiretary and won't give pics seperate URLS. tried IDMB with no luck either.

Huhu Hootoo

Post 13

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Not too bad. Though my head and back hurt a bit. Weather, partly, I think.

Huhu Hootoo

Post 14


Hope you are feeling better, did it get busy for you?

Huhu Hootoo

Post 15

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

It was busy till about half an hour ago. Now it's slow.smiley - smiley

Huhu Hootoo

Post 16


Well any interesting bug reports today or just the usual ?

Huhu Hootoo

Post 17

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

A few oddities, but mostly normal.smiley - yawn

Now you did your bit, you could go watch tv.smiley - winkeye

Huhu Hootoo

Post 18


Nah think I'll take a bath to cool off.

Huhu Hootoo

Post 19

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Sounds good.smiley - smiley Is it still hot at home?

Huhu Hootoo

Post 20


yep, there is a breeze but it hasn't cooled off in the apt much thermostat says 83 degrees and theheat has been off several days now. Just took Ariel for a walk.

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